Three Candle Strategy Script

Momentum Strategy Script


Copy and Paste the below scripts in tradingview pine editor and click on add to the chart.


study(“Momentum Strategy-Sandesh Koli”, overlay=true)

fourth= close < open
third= close[1] > open[1]
second= close[2] > open[2]
first= close[3] > open[3]

buy= fourth and third and second and first

plotshape(buy, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar,, size=size.tiny, text = ‘Buy at highnSL at low’)

five= close > open
six= close[1] < open[1]
seven= close[2] < open[2]
eight= close[3] < open[3]

sell= five and six and seven and eight

plotshape(sell, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar,, size=size.tiny, text = ‘sell at lown SL at high’)


If u see the below error:

Add to Chart operation failed, reason: line 2: no viable alternative at character ‘“’

Remove ” at line 2 and again type


If u see the below error:

Add to Chart operation failed, reason: line 11: no viable alternative at character ‘‘’


Remove ‘ at line 11 and again type

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