Volatility Support & Resistance Script

Volatility Support & Resistance Script     Copy and Paste the below scripts in tradingview pine editor and click on add to the chart.     Support: //@version=4 study(“Volatility Support by Koli”, overlay=true) closebarcrnt = close crntgreenbar = close > open prevgreenbar= close[1] > open[1] prevred2= close[2] < open[2] prevred3 = close[3] < open[3] volatilitysupport …

Three Candle Strategy Script

Momentum Strategy Script   Copy and Paste the below scripts in tradingview pine editor and click on add to the chart.   //@version=4 study(“Momentum Strategy-Sandesh Koli”, overlay=true) fourth= close < open third= close[1] > open[1] second= close[2] > open[2] first= close[3] > open[3] buy= fourth and third and second and first plotshape(buy, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, …