Support and resistance indicator script

Support and resistance indicator script

Support and resistance indicator script


Open pine editor and paste below script and click on add to chart.


study(“Support and resistance by Koli”, overlay=true)

closebarcrnt = close
lowbarprevious = low[1]

highbarprevious = high[1]

redtwocandle = closebarcrnt <= lowbarprevious
greentwocandle = closebarcrnt >= highbarprevious

vol1 = volume[1]
vol0 = volume

highvol = vol0 > vol1

redtwocandlewithvolume = redtwocandle and highvol
greentwocandlewithvolume = greentwocandle and highvol

plotshape(redtwocandlewithvolume, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar,, size=size.tiny)

plotshape(greentwocandlewithvolume, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar,, size=size.tiny)


  1. line 8: no viable alternative at character ‘“’

    this error is showing in pine editor

  2. Line 2 code will be –
    study(“Support and resistance by Koli”, overlay=true)

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